
Serveur VivaDesigner

Grâce au serveur VivaDesigner, il est possible d’ouvrir et d’éditer des fichiers VivaDesigner ou InDesign directement dans le navigateur.

  • Le serveur VivaDesigner peut être facilement intégré dans n’importe quel site ou application web.
  • Testez-le directement sur notre site web ou utilisez VivaCloud avec le serveur VivaDesigner intégré.
  • Grâce à l’interaction d’applications de bureau et/ou web, le serveur VivaDesigner permet de mettre en place des processus totalement innovants dans la communication avec vos clients.
  • Les fonctionnalités et la précision correspondent à celles de VivaDesigner. Cela signifie qu’il n’y a pas de différences entre l’ affichage du bureau ou du navigateur et la version PDF ultérieure, quel que soit le navigateur ou le système d’exploitation utilisé.
  • Aucune extension supplémentaire telle que Flash ou JAVA n’est nécessaire pour l’édition dans le navigateur. De même, l’installation sur le bureau n’est pas nécessaire. Cela s’applique également aux polices de caractères.

VIVA Publishing Server - Features

The VIVA Publishing Server combines various functions and tasks in one application. You can access any function via the API and make it available in your application.

VivaDesigner Server (Layout mode)

With the « VivaDesigner Server » (also called « Layout Mode ») you can create and edit layout documents live in a browser. This applies to documents in both VivaDesigner and InDesign format. NO plugins or extensions are required for this.

Database Publishing Server (Form mode)

With the « Database Publishing Server » (also called « Form Mode ») you can create documents fully automatically on the basis of a database, a data source or a form. These can be entire catalogs, price lists or simply posters or business cards. The Database Publishing Server can be controlled by any desktop or web application. NO plugins or extensions are required. A template is used, which can be created either in the Database Publishing Designer or directly in InDesign.

VIVA Converter

The « VIVA Converter » can be used to convert documents into various formats. VIVA documents can be converted as PDF, PNG, JPG, XML, IDML, HTML, TXT, BRF or MP3 (see « VIVA AI »). InDesign documents can be converted as VIVA documents or as PDF, JPG or PNG, whereby this conversion takes place via the import into the VivaDesigner format. The « VIVA Converter » can also provide information, metadata and preview images of (multi-page) PDFs and images.


With « VIVA AI », texts can be translated fully automatically into over 30 languages. In addition, any number of functions are available for AI-based creation, modification, extraction and analysis of texts. Texts can also be converted into speech (mp3). The VIVA AI provides structural information, classifications and entities of texts on request and can check different texts for similarity. This function can be used, for example, to identify text variants in documents that contain an identical statement. VIVA AI can be used to automatically create descriptions or captions for images in different languages. Text can also be extracted from images.

VIVA Publishing Server - License Model

You can rent a VIVA Publishing Server on a monthly basis. In addition to the basic fee, there are additional costs depending on the server. A VIVA Publishing Server knows neither customers, users nor clients. As a result, the license model does not depend on how many customers or users you have, only on how many resources you need or use. This license model is what makes the VIVA server so attractive and flexible. 

VivaDesigner Server/VIVA Converter

The license model for the « VivaDesigner Server » (« Layout mode ») and « VIVA Converter » is based on a basic price per month for the server software and the number of « VivaDesigner instances ».

Instances are comparable to « sessions » that are started on a server or to « concurrent users » who use the software. For example, if you have a total of 1,000 users/customers, but no more than 30 of them work at the same time, you need a maximum of 30 instances.

Database Publishing Server

The license model for the « Database Publishing Server » (« forms mode ») is based on a basic price per month for the server software and the number of pages produced per year. The price for a page depends on the edition used (CP, IP, etc.) and the total number of pages per year.

For example, if you create a catalog with 100 pages fully automatically, this corresponds to 100 pages. If you create a PDF of the catalog fully automatically, this corresponds to another 100 pages. If you create a business card with five fields and display a preview (JPG, PNG) of the card after each entry, this corresponds to 5 pages.


The license model for the « VIVA AI » is based on the number of characters for texts and the number of images.

Billing takes place in the form of so-called « VIVA Points », as used in VivaDesigner. For translations, for example, one VIVA Point is charged per 200 characters, which corresponds to approximately one Euro/US Dollar. The other AI functions are charged according to the number of characters, as is usual with AI models. In most cases, creating and editing images costs one VIVA Point per image.

VIVA Server Requirements

If you would like to run a VIVA Publishing Server in your data center, you will need an appropriate computer:

  • Computer with multi-core processor (8 or more) with a « Single Thread Rating » of at least 3,000 points and a total performance of at least 30,000 points*.
  • 100 GB free hard disk space, SSD recommended.
  • 16 GB RAM free memory plus 1 GB RAM free memory per instance. With 10 instances, a total of at least 26 GB RAM free memory is required.
  • Internet connection and e-mail address for registering, updating and operating the software.
  • Microsoft Windows Server 2019 (64-bit) or newer.
  • SSL certificate for secure communication. (TLS 1.2 not 1.3).
  • Latest Firefox or Chrome browser to test the server.
  • Professional text editor (Notpad ++ or Visual Studio Code).

Note: The hardware must be used exclusively for the VIVA Publishing Server. The VIVA Publishing Server has its own web server. Programs such as « Apache HTTP Server », « Microsoft Webserver ISS » or « Tomcat Webserver » must not be installed. We recommend the use of dedicated hardware, but the VIVA Publishing Server can also be installed and used in virtual machines. Use in the Amazon Cloud (AWS) is possible, but is not guaranteed. The VIVA Publishing Server is installed exclusively by VIVA using TeamViewer or via RDP.

*You can check the power/performance of a processor here:

*The image of the data center on the left was generated with VIVA AI.


Louez un serveur VivaDesigner dans notre centre de données. *

prix net plus TVA par mois pour une période contractuelle d’un an

*1) Une licence VivaDesigner Desktop (Édition Commerciale) pour UN ordinateur

Dans les locaux de l'entreprise

Déployez le serveur VivaDesigner dans votre centre de données.*

* Remarque: cette offre pour SaaS et Dans les locaux de l’entreprise s’adresse aux éditeurs de logiciels et aux clients commerciaux qui souhaitent intégrer VivaDesigner Server dans leur application. Pour tous les autres clients, VivaCloud avec le serveur VivaDesigner intégré est plus approprié.