
Simple handling

An excellent user interface and the integration of the printing machine emphasize the advantages of VivaPosterize.

Integration of the printing machine
A good user interface is an important criterion, but with VivaPosterize we go one step further with the output: the integration of the printing machines in the company. In the end you always make an output for a printing machine; only based on the data of a printing machine, can it be decided whether a press sheet or tile can be printed on a specific machine or not. It is strange that this matter of course is provided by no other program for large format output.

Working with control files
The individual definitions of tiling templates, types and machines are achieved with a text file, which may be changed and extended by the user. A large number of standard templates and machines is supplied with the program. This dramatically simplifies the program’s handling, without limiting its flexibility in any way.

Unlimited definition and positioning of marks
With VivaPosterize the user can define any marks and use his own EPS marks in machine and tiling template files.