Standard Colors and Style Sheets are optionally translated automatically according to the selected language. In this way, just one single document can be passed to users with different languages for editing. With this technology, companies, agencies, printers or service providers can create document “templates” that are understood immediately in every country.
Formulas with MathML
Import and edit formulas into your text with the MathML module
Multilingual Interface
Multilingual user interface in 24 languages, which can be switched on the fly
Multilingual Text Editing
Editing of ALL languages AND writing directions in one single uniform application and document format (incl. Arabic, Hebrew, Chinese, Japanese, Korean).
Visual Image Preflight
With the VivaDesigner Preflight option you can define the minimum resolution and tolerance for printing images. VivaDesigner automatically displays colored frames around images that either will not be printed correctly (red) or are within the tolerance (yellow). In this way even a beginner can see directly where there will be printing problems with a specific image scaling.
Extended Image Search
Updating missing images can be very time-consuming if these images are to be found in different folders. With the extended image search, you define just ONE search path, which finds all missing images and updates them automatically.
Multilingual Text Translation
You can translate a marked text automatically and import the translation into VivaDesigner.
Deactivate System Fonts
VivaDesigner enables fonts to be embedded in the document. In VivaDesigner 8, all the system fonts can also be deactivated. In this way you can ensure that the user can only use the fonts that are embedded in the document.
With notes you can store non-printable information and tips for other users in text and objects. As with change tracking, this option is suited for users who work in a team, or for users who only want to create a report protocol of their work.
12: New HTML text import
With the new HTML import you can import HTML text perfectly with all its attributes. The tags or class definitions used in HTML are automatically mapped to existing style sheets in the document. In this way you can create text in any browser application and display it in VivaDesigner in different styles, always with typographic perfection. This all works fully automatically without any programming, complicated tables of manual editing. This option is particularly suited for working with CMS or publishing systems and VIVA publishing servers.