
09: Improved path options

With the improved path tool you already create line and curve segments while drawing. Paths may also be closed or opened afterwards, and the beginning of a path can be recognized immediately due to a new special selection handle. Furthermore, new anchor or control handles can be inserted in any position of a line or curve segment.

10: Interactive scaling

Up to now, groups could be scaled using the dialog. With Version 9, not only groups but also all selected objects without any grouping can be scaled interactively, both freely and proportionally (A). A new sizing handle (B) helps you with interactive proportional scaling. Use an additional key or this new sizing handle to scale not only the object shape but also content such as images or text.

Font Embedding

A huge problem in the exchange of documents is the distribution and handling of fonts:

  • Many users do not want to share their fonts.
  • In many cases, fonts cannot be installed without Administrator rights.
  • Additionally installed fonts frequently clash with fonts that are already installed.

With VivaDesigner, all these problems may be solved with a mouse click by automatically embedding all the fonts used in the document.

International co-operation

VivaDesigner was specially developed for the creation of multilingual documents and international document exchange:
1. Editing of ALL languages AND writing directions in one single uniform application and document format (incl. Arabic, Hebrew, Chinese, Japanese, Korean).
2.Multilingual user interface in about 20 languages, which can be switched on the fly.
3. Standard colors and Style Sheets are optionally translated automatically according to the selected language. In this way, just one single document can be passed to users with different languages for editing. With this technology, companies, agencies, printers or service providers can create document “templates” that are understood immediately in every country.