
Publishing solutions and concepts for tourism

After many boom years, tourism is suffering from very high economic pressure. Companies must save costs, work more efficiently and at the same time present a professional image. With VIVA publishing technology, you and your employees can reach this goal.

With constantly rising costs and sinking margins, tour operators worldwide must act faster and be more flexible. What should one then do, when you have to save on costs and time, present a professional front and at the same time work efficiently?

VIVA provides you with flexible publishing technologies and solutions for manual, semi or fully automatic creation of marketing documents such as catalogs, price lists, flight tables, special offer/last minute flyers, coupons, vouchers, travel plans, ads, hotel descriptions, hotel contracts and business documents.

Our publishing technology and products help tour operators to optimize their communication, co-ordination and creation processes and reduce their marketing costs.

Optimize processes – but how?

Even though the significance of the Internet has increased, no tour operator can do without the creation of travel catalogs, price lists, etc. Particularly the creation of travel catalogs, price lists and flight tables involves long lead times and high costs.

To be sure of maintaining the tour operator’s CD (Corporate Design), the necessary marketing documents are generally produced by ad agencies or internal graphics departments.

As well as the actual graphic production, extensive organizational processes are necessary for the creation of the documents. Communication and co-ordination between the internal and external product managers and the graphic designers with regard to content and appearance is costly and time intensive. To achieve a saving effect, both the internal and external work processes must be accelerated dramatically and investment reduced to a minimum. This is just where the VIVA technology comes in.

The solution with VIVA Publishing technology

With the help of VIVA publishing technology, it is no longer the graphic designer who produces the necessary marketing documents. Instead, the employees in Purchasing, Marketing/Sales, or even external employees in travel offices at home or abroad produce the necessary marketing documents themselves.

This happens right away and without any prior knowledge of graphics programs or technical printing requirements. The graphics designers just ensure that the employee has the appropriate templates at his disposal.

Optimize processes according to your requirements

VIVA is one of the leading technology companies worldwide in optimizing marketing processes. Hardly any other manufacturer of standard software offers more options for optimizing marketing processes. Even competing products can be integrated into our workflow processes.

Click here for more information about general WORKFLOWS and PROCESSES with VIVA Publishing Solutions.

Click here for more information about general PRODUCTION TYPES with VIVA Publishing Solutions.


With VIVA publishing technology you have the chance of saving a lot of time and money by decisively optimizing the communication, controlling and creation processes in the creation, editing and management of marketing documents.

Corporations that are active worldwide achieve a particularly high degree of saving, as the VIVA technology can handle all languages (incl. Chinese, Japanese and Korean as well as Arabic and Hebrew) in one document.

Act now!

With over 200,000 users and customers, VIVA today is one of the leading suppliers of media services and software products. Service bureaus and end users worldwide use our publishing products to create catalogs, books, posters and billboards and print products of all kinds, and put their trust in our services. Millions of pages and documents are produced with VIVA products every year.

We are experts in our field and know and understand your problems, requirements and wishes based on 20 years of experience, particularly 14 years in tourism. We speak your language! Benefit from our know-how and discover the many possibilities for optimizing your marketing processes. We would be happy to show you the advantages of our technology.

Any questions?

Call us today or send us a message with our contact form.

Odessa Print

Odessa Print in South London, one of the UK’s leading poster printers and Printweek’s Poster Printer of the Year 2004-2005, has optimized its workflow with VivaPosterize and Kodak’s Prinergy Evo system for a full PDF workflow.

The creation and output of large format posters is very demanding and time-consuming. Odessa Offset, whose customers include Anheuser Busch, Procter & Gamble, Saatch & Saatchi, Panasonic, BMW, Air France, British Airways and Coca-Cola, had for some years been searching for a professional solution to enable them to increase their production speed while at the same time maintaining the high quality for which they are already well known.

Dean Orchin, the Production Director, said: “Odessa needed a solution that enabled the output of the UK standard large formats such as 48 sheet posters (6 x 3 metres, 12 sections) and 96 sheet (12 x 3 metres, 24 sections), that fulfilled the specific printer’s requirements for the output, and, above all, was very fast.”

In 2003, Creo EMEA in Waterloo, Belgium (now Kodak) supplied Odessa with a Brisque RIP and Trendsetter VLF CTP unit together with VivaPosterize for MacOS 9.

“The Viva-Creo workflow solved our colour problem for us”, said Mr. Orchin. “We used the colour mapping function to map spot colours to process colour plates, or map identical spot colours together, which we couldn’t do before. From importing the job into VIVA to the output of the first plate takes about 5 to 6 minutes.”

At the end of 2005, Odessa took delivery of the world’s largest offset press, the KBA Rapida 205. The huge plates enabled an output of two sections per plate for the main poster formats of 12 x 3 metres and 6 x 3 metres, thus cutting down considerably on production run time. By the end of 2006 the production was already running smoothly and the company took delivery of an upgrade of the VivaPosterize software to MacOS X. At the same time the extended functiomnality of the software enabled templates for bus sides to be created, whereby multiple sections with differing measurements could be output on one plate.

“It was among other things the speed and the simplicity of the whole process which impressed us,” said Mr. Orchin. “With the new press we are putting two poster sections on one plate (2060 x 1510mm) and our production is increasing considerably with our Kodak/Viva poster workflow.”

The success of Kodak’s Prinergy Evo system with VivaPosterize in both France and Spain convinced Odessa that it was time to upgrade their RIP hardware. The migration from the old Brisque system to Prinergy Evo in November 2008 was completed comfortably in just a few days.

With Prinergy Evo and some adjustments to VivaPosterize to allow a full PDF-in, PDF-out workflow, production speed was brought to a maximum, with the added improvement in speed of transfer of the CIP3 colour files to the press.

“This new system has improved our production enormously,” said Mr. Orchin. Where before it took several hours for the colour information to come to the press, we now need just 40 minutes for processing all 24 plates of a 48 Sheet poster as well as transferring the colour information to the press, so we are producing many times faster than ever before.”


Example for VIVA Design Consulting

Duisburg/Koblenz, February 2003

With a turnover of over 1 billion Euro and over 1 million holidaymakers Alltours is one of the five biggest tour operators in Germany.

Up to now the production of catalogue pages and price information was carried out with traditional layout programs. This production is of course very complicated and time-consuming. To save further costs, increase efficiency and produce catalogues more quickly, Alltours spent months researching and comparing the systems available.

Continue reading “Alltours”

Alltours Price Panels

As a supplement to its travel catalogs, Alltours has been producing price panels fully automatically with VIVA publishing technology since 2004.


VIVA Project Management

Das mehrfach ausgezeichnete Unternehmen OLIMAR ist seinem Grundsatz »Klasse statt Masse« stets treu geblieben. Deshalb hat man sich bei OLIMAR für VIVA entschieden.

Das Unternehmen
Seit 1972 bietet OLIMAR exklusive Reisen für den gehobenen Anspruch. Über 80 Mitarbeiter und 12.000 Reisebüros in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz mit Agenturvertrag sorgen dafür, dass sich die Kunden uneingeschränkt auf ihre Reise freuen dürfen. Dies scheinen die Kunden auch zu honorieren – OLIMAR wurde bereits mehrfach von den Lesern eines Reisemagazins zum besten Veranstalter des Jahres gewählt. Mit rund 180.000 Gästen pro Jahr gehört das Unternehmen zu den Großen unter den »Kleinen«, nicht zuletzt weil OLIMAR europaweit als erste Adresse für Portugal-Reisen gilt.

Continue reading “Olimar”


Example for VIVA Design Consulting

Early in 2003, VIVA was approached by the Macmillan group regarding the technology and products for reading and analysing Quark documents.

As is well-known, VIVA’s layout program VivaPress Professional for MacOS 9 has been able to open Quark documents from versions 3 and 4 for a long time, those in the format of version 5 since the beginning of 2003. The technology has already been licenced in the form of libraries to American and European firms producing preflighting products.

Continue reading “MacMillan”

Ouest Affiches

VIVA Project Management

Case Study Ouest Affiches, Le Mans, France

Ouest Affiches, a leading French poster printer based in Le Mans, has switched its workflow to Kodak’s Prinergy Evo system in conjunction with VivaPosterize.

The creation and output of large format posters is very demanding and time-consuming. Ouest Affiches, whose customers include Shell, C & A, Triumph and Disneyland Paris, had been searching for a professional solution to enable them to increase their production speed while at the same time maintaining the high quality for which they are already well known.

Continue reading “Ouest Affiches”


VIVA Project Management

Soldan Druck mit Sitz in Essen ist eine mittelständige Druckerei, die dem Hans Soldan Verlag angeschlossen ist. Der steigende Bedarf an Broschüren und Katalogen aus dem Verlagshaus zwang Soldan Druck, sich neuen Technologien zuzuwenden, um die immer enger werdenden Zeitfenster kostengünstiger bedienen zu können.

Continue reading “Soldan”