
Visual Image Preflight

With the VivaDesigner Preflight option you can define the minimum resolution and tolerance for printing images. VivaDesigner automatically displays colored frames around images that either will not be printed correctly (red) or are within the tolerance (yellow). In this way even a beginner can see directly where there will be printing problems with a specific image scaling.

Extended Image Search

Updating missing images can be very time-consuming if these images are to be found in different folders. With the extended image search, you define just ONE search path, which finds all missing images and updates them automatically.

Deactivate System Fonts

VivaDesigner enables fonts to be embedded in the document. In VivaDesigner 8, all the system fonts can also be deactivated. In this way you can ensure that the user can only use the fonts that are embedded in the document.

Table Style Sheets

With style sheets for tables, you can define the graphic appearance of a table as well as single columns, rows, cells and separator lines with a keystroke. At the same time you can define header and footer rows as well as alternating rows and columns. Table cells can contain text, images, graphic objects or additional tables.


With notes you can store non-printable information and tips for other users in text and objects. As with change tracking, this option is suited for users who work in a team, or for users who only want to create a report protocol of their work.

Line Numbering

With the Line Counter you activate a non-printable numbering of the text lines for a better text control. The color, font, size and position (left or right) can be determined, as well as the range (e.g. leave every second line blank) and the restart (text column, new chapter, etc)

New Code options

Create over 30 different bar codes in VivaDesigner without any additional software. The list includes such popular codes as QR Code, Micro QR Code, Data Matrix, EAN, UPC, ISBN, Pharmacode, Code One, Codebar, Databar and many codes from post office companies such as Deutsche Post, Australia Post, Royal Mail, Dutch Post and much more.

New Grayscale View

If you create layouts in color that will later be printed on monochrome, it is often hard to imagine the effect of the layout. With the new option “Grayscale View” you can simulate this effect directly on your screen.