VivaImpose enables the pages to be imposed to be displayed in different variations, and pages can also be added or removed.
Page Display
The data imported into VivaImpose can be displayed in single page, facing page or in imposed modes. The user can switch between the different viewing modes with the help of the Page Layout Palette.
Facing Page Mode
The WYSIWYG display in Facing page mode enables full control over the page order and the correct application of Panorama pages and their positioning.
Deleting, Moving and Inserting Pages
In Facing page mode single pages can be deleted or moved. All other pages are adjusted accordingly. At the same time blank pages can be inserted in any position in this mode.
Imposed Mode
The imposed spread mode allows a complete WYSIWYG display of the print spreads with all their motifs, both front and back side. At the same time the Page Layout Palette displays the template with the correct page numbers.
Exchange of Pages
In all display modes, the user can at the touch of a button exchange pages or their contents using the standard commands Copy, Paste, Cut and Delete/Remove.
Last Minute Alterations
Users who use VivaImpose as an extension for the layout program VivaPress Professional can create as many objects as they wish on the pages to be imposed. Thus the user has all the possibilities at his fingertips that a modern high performance layout program has to offer. Below are a few examples:
1. Through the manual or automatic creation of text objects on every page, a pagination of the pages can be added, or an existing but incorrect pagination can be overlaid.
2. Through the manual or automatic creation of picture objects, areas of pages can be extended or overlaid. This can be useful, for example, if an advertisement on a page must be changed for another one, or if the page must be completed with the addition of an advertisement which was not available at the time of import.