
Innovative Workflows and Processes with VivaDesigner (Desktop and Web Edition)

Experience with our innovations a new dimension in designing and optimizing the marketing, publishing and communication workflows and processes between you and your customers:

Innovation 1: Protection
For the first time you can with just a few mouse clicks provide complex documents to users who only have basic “MS-Word®” or photo book knowledge and define for each document which editing and output rights these users should have. Here it is NOT necessary to change the document structure or make complicated conversions!

Innovation 2: Functionality
Compared to other programs, VivaDesigner offers functions that considerably simplify smooth transfer and processing of documents, and above all dramatically reduce the effort involved for the service provider.

Step 1: Structuring and preparation of documents

  • You can import ready-made layouts directly from InDesign® or XPress®, or you create your documents in the desktop or Web edition of VivaDesigner.
  • You can optionally embed all fonts used in the document so that a font installation of the customer’s computer is unnecessary.
  • You can optionally embed all used and newly imported images in the document.
  • You can optionally define access rights to limit the customer’s editing possibilities.
  • You can optionally predefine parameters for further editing.
  • With notes you can provide non-printable information and tips for other users.
  • You can optionally define tasks so that several users can work simultaneously on one document.

Step 2: Document supply

  • You can send documents by E-Mail or provide them as downloads from your Website or shop.
  • With the definition of virtual drives in VivaDesigner, you can force your customer to open the document from your database or via the Internet.

Step 3: Editing by the customer

  • The customer sees only the program functions that you have released to him in this document.
  • The customer only has access to the layers that you have released to him in this document.
  • The customer only has access to the text, picture and table objects that you have released to him in this document.
  • The customer sees the program functions in his language. This also goes for all standard colors and even for style sheets!
  • With the visual Preflight, the customer can recognise immediately whether images are printable or not.
  • Using change tracking you can establish who has made which changes to text in a document.
  • With notes you can provide non-printable information and tips for other users in text and objects.

Step 4: Transfer to service provider (desktop version)

  • The customer can send the documents to the service provider fully automatically from VivaDesigner without needing an FTP or E-Mail program.
  • You can ensure that transferred documents are displayed directly in the shopping basket of your Web shop with a document preview.
  • With the optional definition of virtual drives in VivaDesigner, you can force your customer to save the document directly in your database or in the Internet.

Innovation 3: All Platforms
For the first time, you can edit documents both on the desktop on Windows, Mac OS X and even Linux as well as in the browser LOSS-FREE and WITH ALMOST THE SAME FUNCTIONALITY. NO font installation, NO Browser PlugIns, NO Java and NO Flash are needed!

  • You can construct pure desktop workflow processes for your customers, where both you and your customers create and/or edit the documents on a desktop.
  • You can construct mixed “Desktop/Web” workflows/processes for your customers, where you create the documents on a desktop or in the Web, and your customers create or edit documents exclusively in the Web.
  • You can construct mixed “Web/Desktop” workflows/processes for your customers, where you create the documents on a desktop or in the Web, and your customers create or edit documents exclusively in the Web.

Innovation 4: Variable costs

VivaDesigner opens completely new possibilities in the distribution of documents. Taking into account your own concepts and customer requirements as well as the financial side, you can define for yourself how the workflow/process should be structured:

  • You can decide yourself whether your customers should work with a free of charge or licensed version of VivaDesigner.
  • As a service provider you can buy “Floating Licenses” for the desktop that you can give to other customers successively if the functionality of the free of charge version is not sufficient.
  • Your customers can buy or rent their own licensed versions directly from us or through your company.
  • You can also opt to make the VivaDesigner Web Edition available to your customers.