The separation of form and function is part of the innovative layout concept that VIVA already invented for layout programs in 1990. In this way rectangles, circles, ellipses and Bézier objects may be displayed as graphic, image or text objects. Other layout programs (e.g. QuarkXPress® or Adobe® InDesign®) have adapted this concept, so that today millions of users benefit from the concept that was originally developed by VIVA.
Footnotes and Endnotes
Create footnotes and endnotes by document or chapter, which may appear at the end of the page, at the end of the layout or at the end of the story. Define in which and over how many columns footnotes and endnotes are displayed.
Extended Baseline Grid
VivaDesigner has not only page-oriented but also object-oriented baselines, which may even be displayed with numbering if required
Team Publishing
With the optional “Team Publishing” module, editing systems may be created simply and quickly in which several people work simultaneously on one document. In the development of the module, the requirements of both larger and smaller publishers were considered.
Click here for more info.
Virtual Drives
With virtual drives you can ensure that users can only open documents or images from an ODBC or MySQL Database or a Web drive, and under certain conditions only save them there. As an additional option, all local drives may be deactivated.
Distributed Publishing
With the optional “Distributed Publishing” module, designers can provide their customers, colleagues or employees with an open layout document for editing. For each individual document it may be defined which editing possibilities a user may have.
Click here for more info …
Different Layouts
Define several layouts within a text frame and change the column layout of the text with different widths and gutters for each column.
Define and apply Layout Style Sheets with different text column layouts.
Text Frames, Rules & Backgrounds
Apply frames to single or a group of paragraphs, lines, words or characters. Apply rules to single or a group of paragraphs, lines, words or characters. Apply colored backgrounds for characters or whole paragraphs and/or define a frame. Embed graphic, text, table or image objects in the text and define the runaround behavior (one side, both sides, etc.)
All Users
- Agencies and media service providers can develop completely new and much slimmer processes.
- End users and corporations world-wide can edit documents with complex layouts very simply in every functionality, in every typographic quality and in every language as well as simultaneous editing and exchange.
- Solution suppliers and software developers can develop programs or websites or of extending them simply, with which users create layouts directly or edit existing layout documents.
All Wallets
VivaDesigner is available free of charge (»Free Edition«). The licensed »Personal Edition« for private users and the »Commercial Edition« for corporate users have additional functions.