VivaDesigner – ONE for ALL

VivaDesigner was not only conceived for designers and users in the Media branch, but also particularly for corporations in all branches. software developers and private end users.

With the DESKTOP and WEB versions of VivaDesigner, you immediately have new possibilities for the creation and editing of documents:

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Agencies, printers and Media service providers
can develop completely new and considerably more streamlined processes for creation, editing and proofing of documents and communication with customers.
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Solution providers and software developers
can provide programs and websites that help users create new documents or edit existing ones. Thus software developers can complete their product portfolio.
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Corporations and employees
can edit an share documents worldwide very simply with complex designs in every functionality, every typographic quality and in any language.
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Internet providers and IT departments
can offer public or private cloud services around the subject of publishing, graphic design and editing.

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