VivaPosterize – Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)


[accordion_item title=’What is so special about VivaPosterize?’]The special feature of VivaPosterize is its simplicity and speed on the one hand and the complex possibilities for automation on the other. VivaPosterize was developed by printers and users who for years have been fighting with the problems of digital imposition/tiling and the difficulties they had with existing programs.[/accordion_item]
[accordion_item title=’Where does the simplicity lie?’]The goal of the development was in one minute to be able to enter all preferences for the tiling of a document. The program should be able to recognize and display all problem cases. An unpracticed computer user should after a short training period be capable of imposing/tiling a document. All these requirements have been perfectly fulfilled by VivaPosterize.[/accordion_item]
[accordion_item title=’What does Viva understand by automation?’]The simpler a program is, the more complex are its internal processes. If for example the user changes to another printing machine, the program must be able to import all the marks relating to that machine into the spread without the user having to do anything. This is just one example of the many automatic functions in VivaPosterize.[/accordion_item]
[accordion_item title=’What kind of data can be used?’]Data from all programs and platforms can be imposed/tiled that are available in EPS, TIFF, JPEG or PDF format (up to PDF 1.6).[/accordion_item]
[accordion_item title=’How do I process PostScript files?’]PostScript files are converted to EPS or PDF files with a conversion program.[/accordion_item]
[accordion_item title=’How do I process PDF files?’]PDF files are imported in exactly the same way as the various image formats. To output a spread or press sheet as a PDF file, all the marks (crop marks, registration marks, etc.) must be available in PDF format.[/accordion_item]
[accordion_item title=’What is the production speed in a “native”-PDF-Workflow?’]A 6 x 3 metre poster in 12 sections, with 2 sections on each press sheet, is output as a PDF in just a few seconds.[/accordion_item]
[accordion_item title=’Which versions of the program are available?’]VivaPosterize is available both forWindows and Mac OS X (Linux version available on request). [/accordion_item]
[accordion_item title=’What happens with spot colors?’]If you work with EPS files, you have full control over all the colors in the imposed/tiled document. The program displays which colors are used and whether they are process or spot colors. In the case of PDF files, these include all the color information which is interpreted by the RIP.[/accordion_item]
[accordion_item title=’For whom is VivaPosterize suited?’]VivaPosterize is suitable for large format offset, digital and screen printers and for agencies providing the tiled posters to printers as a service.[/accordion_item]
[accordion_item title=’How is VivaPosterize integrated into my workflow?’]For VivaPosterize the origins of the data and where they are to be printed are irrelevant. It doesn’t matter whether you have a Dalim, Fuji, Kodak or any other system for data preparation, VivaPosterize imports all the image files described above. The same goes for output on all systems (e.g. Adobe, Agfa, Fuji, Harlequin, Heidelberg, Linotype, Kodak, etc.) and RIPs that are level 2 compatible. VivaPosterize can therefore be integrated into every workflow[/accordion_item]
[accordion_item title=’Is there a Server Version?’]A server version may be offered on request.[/accordion_item]
