VivaImpose Marks Handling

The handling of marks in VivaImpose is a central function of the program which far exceeds the usual functions of other similar programs.

Customer Marks
The user can generate as many of his own marks as he wishes and include them in VivaImpose. Individual marks (company logos, special pull down lays, etc.) are created with the help of illustration programs (e.g. Adobe Illustrator), which can create vector EPS files. Standard marks (such as fold and crop marks) are integrated in the program and can be set according to preference.

Global Marks
With the management of marks, VivaImpose follows a global concept. If you set a crop mark in a template, this will automatically be changed in all templates if the mark is altered in any way.

The application of Marks also allows local and global settings to be made. If a mark is to appear on every spread, it is for simplicity and maintenance reasons better to apply this mark to a machine rather than to a template. A mark can therefore be applied to both a template and to a machine.

Mark Sets
In order not to have to define the same marks for every template, VivaImpose has so-called Mark Sets. These automatically apply the required crop and fold marks to all pages on the template, and also individual marks if required. Since it is not absolutely necessary to define marks in a template, the user can create several mark sets and wait until just before the output to a printer or imaging machine to decide with which mark set (e.g. with or without page gutters) the spread should be printed.

Mark Intelligence
The wealth of application variations of our users knows hardly any boundaries. Therefore VivaImpose offers “intelligent marks”. Intelligence means in this case that it is decided on the basis of fixed settings if and how the mark will be printed.

Here are three examples:
1. Collating mark
The collating mark can be so configured that the output, size and position of the mark depend on the binding type selected.
2. Color Control Strip
The Color Control Strip and Excess Color Strip or Take-off Bar are dynamic marks. They are automatically created from the colors used in the spread. The user can define a preferred position and two alternative positions, and from this definition the program decides automatically where the marks will be placed. If not enough space is available, the marks will wander to the next position, or not be printed.
3. Cropping-dependent Marks
Marks can be defined in relation to the cropping. Thus it is possible to cause a mark not to be printed, if the crop is above or below a defined value.

Automatic Line-out
VivaImpose is the only imposition program which can automatically line out the spread at the touch of a button. With the Line-out, the user can check the exact cropping and positioning of the pages in a proof or on a film. The Line-out mark also shows the edges of the printing plate and the gripper edge of the machine, so that the user can check the size and positioning of the spread inscription. Since the Line-out can also be created as a spot color, it is no longer necessary to rip the data again, as this color plate can simply be deleted from the RIP. This option does however depend on the model of the RIP-Model and the workflow.

VivaImpose Page Handling

VivaImpose enables the pages to be imposed to be displayed in different variations, and pages can also be added or removed.

Page Display
The data imported into VivaImpose can be displayed in single page, facing page or in imposed modes. The user can switch between the different viewing modes with the help of the Page Layout Palette.

Facing Page Mode
The WYSIWYG display in Facing page mode enables full control over the page order and the correct application of Panorama pages and their positioning.

Deleting, Moving and Inserting Pages
In Facing page mode single pages can be deleted or moved. All other pages are adjusted accordingly. At the same time blank pages can be inserted in any position in this mode.

Imposed Mode
The imposed spread mode allows a complete WYSIWYG display of the print spreads with all their motifs, both front and back side. At the same time the Page Layout Palette displays the template with the correct page numbers.

Exchange of Pages
In all display modes, the user can at the touch of a button exchange pages or their contents using the standard commands Copy, Paste, Cut and Delete/Remove.

Last Minute Alterations
Users who use VivaImpose as an extension for the layout program VivaPress Professional can create as many objects as they wish on the pages to be imposed. Thus the user has all the possibilities at his fingertips that a modern high performance layout program has to offer. Below are a few examples:

1. Through the manual or automatic creation of text objects on every page, a pagination of the pages can be added, or an existing but incorrect pagination can be overlaid.
2. Through the manual or automatic creation of picture objects, areas of pages can be extended or overlaid. This can be useful, for example, if an advertisement on a page must be changed for another one, or if the page must be completed with the addition of an advertisement which was not available at the time of import.

VivaImpose File Handling

Documents created with the import of data can be saved, closed and opened again at any time.

Simple Navigation
Navigation within documents is made with the help of the Page Layout Palette and the scroll bars in the document window.

Variable Zoom
The display of a section can be freely selected in a range from 5% to 1000%. A zoom tool function, with which an individual selection can be made, is available with a key combination.

Simple Reproduction
All documents saved contain the WYSIWYG data, the links to the original files and all imposition settings. Therefore after the document has been opened every order can be 100% reproduced.

VivaImpose Spread Handling

VivaImpose allows the creation of customized templates according to the required mounting type.

Imposition Templates/Multiple Copies
Imposition templates or multiple copies can be created according to preference. If required both of these applications can be mixed on one spread. Thus templates for Come-and-Go production can be prepared very easily.

Format Independent
All templates are defined independently of format and can therefore be used with any document format. The program establishes automatically whether template and page format can be used together and issues a warning in the template preview of the spread format is exceeded.

Optimizing space with partial spreads
VivaImpose allows the definition of partial spreads in a template. There is no limit to the number of definitions for partial spreads (e.g. for a half, quarter or eighth spread). The program then decides automatically which layout is to be used for a partial spread according to how much space is left over.

Through this technology it is possible to bring several signatures on one press sheet and to number them automatically.

Quite independently of the selected template, all spreads can be turned according to preference in the imposition dialog.

Comprehensive Range of Binding Types
VivaImpose supports a series of binding types such as perfect binding, section-sewn, sewn-and-sealed, two different types of saddle-stitch, unsewn binding and loose leaf.

Automatic Creep/Shingling
According to the type of binding, VivaImpose calculates the creep automatically on the basis of the selected paper strength. Thus an unnecessary calculation of the block size as is required in other programs is obviated.

Global Cropping
Since in VivaImpose it is not absolutely necessary to pre-define the cropping in the template, these entries can be made independently of the template and at the last minute. This increases enormously the flexibility of the templates and of your workflow.

Inclusions Definable
Often not all data for a job are available at the same time, or other parts of the job require other settings, or even are supplied already prepared. In order that the collating mark and spread number can still be applied correctly, inclusions can be defined as required. You can define which spread number is to be included in the current document, or that several spreads are to be included.

Relation to Machines
Through the machine-oriented workflow it is possible to attribute specific templates to a machine. When the machine is selected, only those templates are displayed that have been attributed to the machine. Such definitions are particularly useful with web presses, and help to avoid possible user errors.

Offset Settings
Depending on the program version, both the template including marks, and also the paper may have an offset applied to them.

Spread Alignment
The template can be aligned either on the bottom edge or centred. With web presses the alignment is generally on the bottom edge, while with sheet-fed presses it is usually centred. This depends on the concrete distance of the sheet from the punch holes.

VivaImpose Color Handling

VivaImpose possesses an extensive color management which controls the application and output of colors.

Color Usage
For color control VivaImpose has a Color Usage dialog, which displays a list of all the colors used in the document, including spot colors.

Color Separation and InRIP Support
VivaImpose has an integrated color separation and additionally supports the InRIP function for color separation.

Color Mapping
It often occurs that two identical spot colors occur in a document whose names are written slightly or totally differently. In this case a spot color can be mapped to the plate of another spot or process color.

Conversion of Spot Colors
As well as color mapping all spot colors can be converted to process colors at the output stage.

VivaImpose Data Handling

VivaImpose enables the automatic data import of EPS, TIFF, PICT, JPEG, and CT files and other picture formats, and also PDF files.

Automatic Cropping
All files can be cropped automatically for imposition, in order for example to cut out bleed and marks that were placed in the original data.

Scaling and Rotation
If the data is not in the correct format or has been saved with an incorrect rotation, single files or whole folders can be scaled and/or rotated automatically during the import process.

Handling of Panorama Pages
If the customer intentionally or accidentally supplies panorama pages in a file, the user is able to separate these files correctly, either manually or automatically. Such a separation can be defined by the user in such a way a doubling of the motif can occur in the inner margin.

Pictures Overlapping in the Inner Margin
According to motif or template it may be required that the pages of the print spread overlap one another in the inner margin.