
VivaDesigner – ONE for ALL

VivaDesigner was not only conceived for designers and users in the Media branch, but also particularly for corporations in all branches. software developers and private end users.

With the DESKTOP and WEB versions of VivaDesigner, you immediately have new possibilities for the creation and editing of documents:

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Agencies, printers and Media service providers
can develop completely new and considerably more streamlined processes for creation, editing and proofing of documents and communication with customers.
Learn more …


Solution providers and software developers
can provide programs and websites that help users create new documents or edit existing ones. Thus software developers can complete their product portfolio.
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Corporations and employees
can edit an share documents worldwide very simply with complex designs in every functionality, every typographic quality and in any language.
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Internet providers and IT departments
can offer public or private cloud services around the subject of publishing, graphic design and editing.

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Team Publishing

With the optional “Team Publishing” module, editing systems may be created simply and quickly in which several people work simultaneously on one document. In the development of the module, the requirements of both larger and smaller publishers were considered.
Click here for more info.

Footnotes and Endnotes

Create footnotes and endnotes by document or chapter, which may appear at the end of the page, at the end of the layout or at the end of the story. Define in which and over how many columns footnotes and endnotes are displayed.

Unique publishing solutions and concepts for users of Adobe® InDesign®

If you love Adobe® InDesign® or InCopy®, you’ll love VIVA too, as we don’t just make Adobe® documents editable in the Web …

If you use desktop and/or server versions of Adobe® InDesign® or InCopy®, you can improve existing processes by using VIVA technology/products or develop completely new publishing, marketing or communication processes, which with Adobe® products are probably impossible or not possible in this form. At the same time you can even reduce your costs and choose between using VIVA technology as a complement to or as an alternative to/replacement for the InDesign® products:

1. Complement
If you use VIVA technology/products as a COMPLEMENT to InDesign®/InCopy® products, you can profit from the many benefits of VIVA technology, without having to do without InDesign®.

2. Replacement/Alternative
If you use VIVA technology as a REPLACEMENT/ALTERNATIVE to InDesign®/InCopy® products, you can profit from the many benefits of VIVA technology, without having to do without the exchange of documents/data with other InDesign® users.

Why should InDesign®/InCopy® users use VIVA technology at all?

As well as the cost aspect, the use of VIVA technology enables the creation of completely new publishing, marketing or communication processes, which with InDesign® are impossible or not possible in this form:

  • For the first time, documents can be edited both on the desktop and also in the browser LOSS-FREE and WITH THE SAME FUNCTIONALITY. For this NO Font installtion, NO Browser Plug-In, NO Java and NO Flash is required!
  • For the first time, you can provide complex documents to users who only have Word or photo book knowledge and define for every document which editing and output rights these users should have. (WITHOUT needing to change the document structure or make complex conversions.)
  • VIVA technology offers ONE file format for desktop and/or Web documents.
  • With the free VivaDesigner Free Edition, you or your users/customers even edit “InDesign® documents” free of charge, without purchasing InDesign®.
  • Furthermore, VIVA technology/products offer qualitative advantages in hyphenation, spell checking and grammar checking. Many options, like automatic font embedding, automatic despatch, automatic translation assistance, password-protected layers and master pages, cannot even be reached with PlugIns in InDesign®.

Due to the excellent Import and Export functions of the VIVA technology, InDesign® documents w.e.f. version CS4 in IDML format can be imported and also re-exported to InDesign®.

In this way you ensure that you can take over your documents from InDesign® (a), can work with both programs in parallel (b) and can return to InDesign® at any time (c).

Depending on the document structure, you can exchange documents between the applications loss-free. The take-over quality is extensively documented, contains many tips, is constantly being improved and adapted to new InDesign® versions.

With the VIVA technology the following processes are possible:

1. You can replace the desktop or server version of InDesign® with the desktop or server version of VivaDesigner and take over existing documents.

2. You can edit InDesign documents with the desktop version of VivaDesigner for Linux, although InDesign® is not available on this platform.

3. You can in future equip additional workstations with the free or licensed version of VivaDesigner instead of with InDesign®.

4. You can use VivaDesigner in the desktop or Web version, if you want to provide (InDesign®) documents to users who only have “MS-Word®” or photo book knowledge. Here the users should have limited editing rights for the document and the user interface should be adapted accordingly.

5. You can use VivaDesigner in the Web version if (InDesign®) documents should be edited by third parties who should have no physical access to the documents.

6. On the basis of the Free Edition of VivaDesigner for Windows, Mac and Linux, you can pass your InDesign® documents to any users, friends, customers, etc., without anyone having to pay for this. Users can edit these documents (in the form required by you) and send them back to you (fully automatically if required).

7. You can personalise predefined templates from InDesign® or other programs with the help of a VIVA publishing server in the Web (formula-based).

8. As an organisation you can use VivaDesigner (Desktop or Web version) particularly in countries where due to the language and writing direction a special InDesign® version is required or for which there is no appropriate support in InDesign® (e.g. for Arabic, Hebrew and Asian languages).

9. You can use VivaDesigner in the free or licensed desktop version, if (InDesign®)documents should be edited by third parties who have little or no financial means to buy software programs. This goes for private users or users in developing countries/regions like Africa or Asia. This also goes particularly for countries in which there is no or only limited Internet access.

10. You can create highly complex documents such as catalogs on the desktop or semi-automatically in the Web with VIVA technologies, and further edit these documents optionally with the desktop version of InDesign®.

11. You can create highly complex documents such as catalogs, price lists, etc. fully automatically with VIVA technology and further edit these documents optionally with the desktop version of InDesign®. Here you save the necessary programming of an InDesign® Server, which in many areas does not have the performance capacity of a Viva publishing server (examples: Dynamic layouts, speed, load balancing, charts/graphs, etc.)

Click here for more information about general VIVA publishing processes.

Click here for more information about workflows and processes with VivaDesigner (Desktop and Web Edition).

Adobe, the Adobe logo, Acrobat, Creative Suite, Flash, FreeHand, Illustrator, InCopy, InDesign, PageMaker, Photoshop, PostScript and PostScript 3 are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated in the United States and/or other countries. Please consider our Trademark hints.

{youtube}j4T1VG1xYlw{/youtube}This video demonstrates how easy it is to edit InDesign/VivaDesigner documents in the Web (VivaCloud).

Quark XPress Users

Wenn Sie Adobe InDesign lieben, werden Sie auch VIVA lieben, denn wir bringen Ihr InDesign nicht nur ins Web …

Wenn Sie Desktop- und/oder Server-Version von Adobe InDesign verwenden, können Sie mit dem Einsatz der VIVA-Technologien/Produkte bestehende Prozesse verbessern oder völlig neue Publishing-, Marketing- bzw. Kommunikationsprozesse entwickeln, die mit Adobe InDesign gar nicht oder nicht in dieser Form möglich sind. Gleichzeitig können Sie sogar Ihre Kosten senken und die VIVA-Technologien wahlweise als Ergänzung oder als Alternative/Ersatz zu den Adobe InDesign-Produkten einsetzen:

1. Ergänzung
Wenn Sie die VIVA-Technologien/Produkte als ERGÄNZUNG zu Adobe InDesign-Produkten verwenden, können Sie von den vielen Vorteilen der VIVA-Technologien profitieren, ohne auf den Einsatz von InDesign zu verzichten.

2. Ersetzung
Wenn Sie die VIVA-Technologien als ALTERNATIVE/ERSATZ zu Adobe InDesign-Produkten verwenden, können Sie von den vielen Vorteilen der VIVA-Technologien profitieren, ohne auf den Austausch von Dokumenten/Daten mit anderen InDesign-Anwendern zu verzichten.

Warum sollen InDesign-Anwender überhaupt VIVA-Technologien einsetzen?
Neben dem Kostenaspekt ermöglicht der Einsatz der VIVA-Technologie die Gestaltung völlig neuer Publishing-, Marketing- bzw. Kommunikationsprozesse, die mit Adobe InDesign gar nicht oder nicht in dieser Form möglich sind:
– So können erstmals Dokumente sowohl auf dem Desktop als auch im Browser VERLUSTFREI und MIT DER GLEICHEN FUNKTIONALITÄT bearbeiten.
– Sie können erstmals komplexe Dokumente mit wenigen Mausklicks für Anwender bereit stellen, die lediglich Word- oder Fotobuchkenntnisse haben und für jedes Dokument bestimmen, welche Bearbeitungs- und Ausgaberechte diese Anwender haben sollen. (Dabei müssen Sie die Dokumentstruktur ändern oder komplizierte Konvertierungen vornehmen.)
– VIVA-Technologien bieten EIN Dateiformat für Desktop- und/oder Web-Dokumente.
– Mit der kostenlosen VivaDesigner Free-Edition können Sie oder Ihre Anwender/Kunden “Adobe InDesign-Dokumente” sogar kostenlos bearbeiten, ohne Adobe InDesign zu kaufen.
– Darüber hinaus bieten VIVA-Technologien/Produkte qualitative Vorteile im Bereich der Silbentrennung, Rechtschreibung und Grammatikprüfung. Viele Optionen, wie automatische Schrifteneinbindung, automatischer Versand, automatische Übersetzungshilfen, passwortgeschützte Ebenen und Musterseiten, sind selbst mit PlugIns nicht in InDesign realisierbar.

Aufgrund der hervorragenden Im- und Exportfunktionen der VIVA-Technologien, können InDesign-Dokumente ab Version CS4 im IDML-Format importiert und auch wieder nach InDesign exportiert werden.
Damit ist sichergestellt, dass Sie Ihre Dokumente aus InDesign übernehmen können (a), jederzeit parallel mit beiden Programmen arbeiten können (b) und jederzeit wieder zu InDesign zurückkehren können (c).

Je nach Dokumentaufbau können Sie Dokumente zwischen den Anwendungen verlustfrei austauschen. Die Qualität der Übernahme ist umfangreich dokumentiert, beinhaltet viele Tipps, wird ständig verbessert und an neue InDesign-Versionen angepasst.

Mit der VIVA-Technologie sind folgende Prozesse möglich:
1. Sie können mit der Desktop- und/oder Web-Version des VivaDesigners die  Desktop- und/oder Server-Version von InDesign ersetzen und bestehende Dokumente übernehmen.

2. Sie können mit der Desktop-Version des VivaDesigner für Linux InDesign-Dokumente bearbeiten, obwohl InDesign auf dieser Plattform nicht verfügbar ist.

3. Sie können zukünftig weitere Arbeitsplätze statt mit InDesign mit dem kostenlosen bzw. kostenpflichtigen VivaDesigner ausstatten.

4. Sie können den VivaDesigner in der Desktop oder Web-Version verwenden, wenn Sie (InDesign-)Dokumente für Anwender bereitstellen möchten, die lediglich Word- oder Fotobuchkenntnisse haben. Dabei sollen die Anwender das Dokument nur eingeschränkt bearbeiten und die Benutzeroberfläche soll entsprechend angepasst werden.

5. Sie können den VivaDesigner in der Web-Version verwenden, wenn (InDesign-)Dokumente von Dritten bearbeitet werden sollen, die jedoch keinen physischen Zugriff auf die Dokumente erhalten sollen.

6. Sie können den VivaDesigner in der Web-Version verwenden, wenn  (InDesign-)Dokumente von Dritten bearbeitet werden sollen, bei denen eine Programminstallation nicht möglich ist.

7. Sie können als Organisation den VivaDesigner (Desktop- oder Web-Version) insbesondere in den Ländern einsetzen, in denen aufgrund der Sprache und Schreibweise eine spezielle InDesign-Version erforderlich ist oder für die es keine entsprechende Unterstützung in InDesign gibt (z.B. für Arabisch, Hebräisch und asiatische Sprachen).

8. Sie können den VivaDesigner in der kostenlosen oder kostenpflichtigen Desktop-Version verwenden, wenn (InDesign-)Dokumente von Dritten bearbeitet werden sollen, die keine oder nur geringe finanzielle Mittel für Softwareprogramme haben. Das gilt beispielsweise für Privatanwender oder Anwender in Schwellenländern wie Afrika oder Asien. Das gilt aber auch insbesondere für Länder, in denen kein oder nur ein eingeschränkter Internetzugang verfügbar ist.

9. Sie können auf dem Desktop oder im Web halbautomatisch mit VIVA-Technologien sehr komplexe Dokumente wie Kataloge erstellen und diese Dokumente wahlweise wieder mit der Desktop-Version von InDesign nachbearbeiten.

10. Sie können vollautomatisch mit VIVA-Technologien komplexe Dokumente wie Kataloge, Preislisten, etc. erstellen und diese Dokumente wahlweise wieder mit der Desktop-Version von InDesign nachbearbeiten. Dabei sparen Sie die aufwendige Programmierung eines InDesign-Servers, der in vielen Bereichen nicht so leistungsfähig ist wie ein Viva-Publishing-Server (Stichwort: Dynamische Layouts, Geschwindigkeit, Load-Balancing, Charts, etc.)

Database Publishing with VivaNWP Designer

The most powerful Database Publishing tool on the market, developed by one manufacturer as an »all-in-one« product. Why? Because due to its ability to create complex documents fully automatically and at the same time offer a simple user interface that enables but does not require additional programming.

“VivaNWP Designer” is, in a nutshell, a programmable layout program with links to a database or data source. Thus individually created layout templates may be filled/updated automatically with database content. Based on »VivaDesigner«, VivaNWP Designer offers many additional graphic functions such as dynamic tables, graphs and charts or bar codes. The benefit: With the integrated rule structure, graphic designers or database users can achieve perfect results, without being programmers or learning a programming language. In this way it is unnecessary in most cases to use the integrated programming languages »Java Script« or »PHP«, which are praised by the professionals.

Click here for more information about general Database Publishing processes.

Click here for an overview of the features and functions of VivaNWP Designer and the VivaNWP Server

Click here for for an overview of the editions of VivaNWP Designer

VivaImpose Editions

VivaImpose is available in several editions:

Silver Edition
Use the “Silver Edition” if you have digital and offset presses in the format 50 x 70 cm.

Gold Edition
Use the “Gold Edition” if you have digital and offset presses in the format70 x 100 cm or bigger, or if you supply as a service provider to printers possessing such machines as a service provider.

Diamond Edition
Use the “Diamond Edition“ if you have offset or web presses, or if you supply as a service provider to printers possessing such machines as a service provider.

You will find a function comparison for the different editions on our Website.

VivaDesigner Desktop & Web Editions

Desktop Editions

The Desktop version of VivaDesigner is available in several free of charge and licensed editions. All licensed editions of the desktop version except the Classroom Edition are for one workstation only. Please have a look at our detailed version overview/comparison (PDF) on the right hand side.

Demo/Trial Version

We recommend the free of charge “Demo/Trial Version” if you want to TEST VivaDesigner for a limited time. The functionality of this version is almost identical to the Commercial Edition. After the trial period expires, the version can however still be used as a free of charge “Free Edition”, or you can unlock the version with a license key that you receive when you place an order.

Free Edition

Use the free of charge “Free Edition” if you want to use VivaDesigner permanently free of charge on a private or commercial basis. The program functionality is limited for licensing reasons. You can however still open documents from the other desktop or Web editions, edit, save and print them. The “Free Edition” may be used for both private and commercial purposes. Please also check the information on the demo/trial version.

You can see here in Detail which functions are possessed by the Free Edition compared to other editions,

Personal Edition

Use the licensed “Personal Edition” if you want to use the full version exclusively for private and non-commercial purposes. Non-commercial purposes are for example printed material for charitable organisations, public education institutions and all printed material for private use.

Commercial Edition

Use the licensed “Commercial Edition” if you want to use the full version for commercial purposes. Commercial purposes always occur if you want to use the software within your corporation or if it is your intention to use the software for commercial profit.

EDU Editions

EDU editions are exclusively for school pupils, students or teachers. Proof of study is required in the form of a school pass or student ID, or a certificate from the school, college or university.

Classroom Edition

The Classroom Edition is exclusively for school pupils, students or teachers in classrooms. Proof of study is required in the form of a certificate from or an order in the name of the school, college or university. Classroom licenses are issued for a specific number of workstations (max. 25), of which maximum 3 workstations may be occupied by trainers/teachers. Each workstation receives an individual serial number linked to the workstation’s Ethernet-ID (Mac-address).

Editions for NGO and NPOs

These editions are exclusively for non-governmental organizations (NGO) or non-profit organizations (NPO), which have no economic profit goals, but follow exclusively charitable, social, cultural or scientific goals. The license must be ordered in the name of the organization and proof of status should be provided. Clubs/Societies and charitable organizations must provide proof of their status. This may be a copy of a declaration by the tax office or registration with the local authority. Note: Political parties are not regarded as NGO’s or NPO’s. Political parties may order the specially priced government edition (GOV).

Editions for governmental organizations (GOV)

These editions are exclusively for all governmental organizations (GOV) including local government, tax offices, employment offices political parties, etc. The license must be ordered in the name of the governmental organization and proof of status should be provided.

Web Editions

The Web version of VivaDesigner is available in several editions. You can find a function overview for the different editions on our Website.

Basic Web Edition

Use the “Basic Web Edition” if you or your customers want to create documents that need NO hyphenation, spell-checking, change tracking, etc. Supplier: Sales partner or VIVA

Advanced Web Edition

Use the “Advanced Web Edition” if you or your customers want to create documents that need hyphenation, spell-checking, change tracking, etc. Supplier: Sales partner or VIVA