
Color management

In order to accelerate considerably the output of complete signatures, VivaImpose supports InRIP color separation. In this case, the separation is not carried out by a layout program or the imposition software, but by a modern RIP.

It frequently occurs that wrongly named or unwanted spot colors appear in the document. In this case, VivaImpose offers the possibility of mapping spot colors to other spot colors or also to process colors in the output.

High Automation

VivaImpose can also attain the high degree of automation because the user can create comprehensive relationships in the one-off setting up of all machines and templates. On the one hand you can create a relationship between machines and templates, and on the other between templates and marks. These relationships ensure that certain templates can only be printed on certain presses. At the same time the program differentiates between flat and web presses. Marks can also be applied either to templates or to machines.

If a press is not available (running another job or being maintained), the user can switch to another one immediately. Here the program will register automatically if the selected template can be printed on the new press, and, if necessary, applies the new machine-specific marks to the spread.

Define standards

The individual definition of templates, marks and machines is achieved using a control file, which can be edited and further extended by the user. A large number of standard templates and machines is supplied with the program.

This drastically simplifies the handling of the program, without in any way limiting its flexibility. With this system you can – particularly as a service provider – define your customer-specific standards very quickly and simply.

A further advantage of VivaImpose is its format independence. While with other imposition programs the same template must be newly created for every page format, VivaImpose works on the basis of an abstract page format. Therefore the same template can be used for page sizes from postage stamps up to poster formats.

Relation to presses

A good user interface is an important criterion, but VIVAIMPOSE goes a step further with the imposition of complete forms: the inclusion of the company’s printing presses.

Effectively you always impose for a printing press; for only when you have the data of the press to hand can you decide whether an imposed signature can be printed on this particular press. Although this is actually a matter of course, VIVAIMPOSE is the only program that is able to calculate it.

A brief example explains the meaning of this information: You impose a signature that can be correctly printed on the required press. If the layout is now changed so that a bleed is applied to the pages, VivaImpose may under certain conditions warn you that this same signature can no longer be printed, because the bleed would run into the gripper edge of the press, although the pages themselves are still covered by the paper. These and other professional checks and controls are only and exclusively possible with VivaImpose.

Run routine tasks automatically

The user makes just a few entries, and VivaImpose does the rest automatically, relieving him from routine tasks and avoiding possible sources of errors. Here, for example, the signature will be positioned automatically in the header or gutter margin by the program according to the binding type selected. In another case, an automatic partial spread treatment will be applied. These are just two examples of an automation that offers the user a terrific simplicity of working and maximum safety at the same time.

All settings in one dialog

Instead of creating complex templates and setting and checking hundreds of parameters as in other imposition programs, VivaImpose presents the user with a single dialog. In this dialog all the relevant settings for a professional imposition can be made in just one minute. The dialog with its preview functions simulates an electronic light table.

Excellent page management

With the different page modes, users can look at the imported pages in imposition mode as well as in facing page mode. Thus panorama pages can be rechecked before imposition. Pages can be deleted, moved or reimported at any time.

Any number of empty pages can of course also be placed. The exchange of pages takes place in seconds. Pages or documents that have already been imported can be updated automatically in seconds when modifications to the source data are made. Thus last minute content changes are possible at any time. As an additional option the extended layout function can be used for the positioning of page numbers and other objects after the data has been imported.

Flexible data import

Not every customer supplies the data in the format required. Therefore, particularly the import of the data to be imposed must be made as flexible as possible.

Since customer data is frequently provided in the wrong formats, an automatic scaling or rotation can be defined. In addition, pages may be positioned fully automatically or individually. If a type area has been used in the document, non-printable guide frames can be created. These simplify checking the correct positioning. Thanks to a page preview all settings can be checked immediately.

Virtual Drives

With virtual drives you can ensure that users can only open documents or images from an ODBC or MySQL Database or a Web drive, and under certain conditions only save them there. As an additional option, all local drives may be deactivated.