
Team Publishing with VivaDesigner

With the “Team Publishing” module, VivaDesigner can be extended with task functions as in an editing system.

With the “Team Publishing” module, editing systems may be created simply and quickly in which several people work simultaneously on one document. In the development of the module, the requirements of both larger and smaller publishers were considered.

Benefits overview:

  • The editor can not only re-edit text, but on requirement can also edit images or frames.
  • The editor receives a preview of all the frames on the page, even if he can’t edit all the frames and their content. Thus the editor knows the exact content of the page.
  • The editor even gets an update of the changes that others have made in the document, providing there is a network connection to the master document.
  • Especially with small publishers, the editor is also the designer and thus is responsible for parts or even for the entire page.
  • To use the software, a server is to be recommended on which all concerned will work centrally, but this is not a condition of use. It is particularly useful for editors whose offices are separated from one another. In this case, the creator of the task files can also send them by E-Mail.


The module is therefore not only suited for editors in the production of magazines or newspapers, but also for corporate publications where several users work on different sections. Designers can work in parallel to change the design, while the users fill the frame with images or text. Like all modules, “Team Publishing” too can be applied in the Desktop and Web versions.

Distributed Publishing with VivaDesigner


Do you still work with traditional layout programs, word processing, PDF, E-Mail, FTP, CMS, publishing systems, photo book or “Web-to-Print” software to organize your publishing processes?

With “Distributed Publishing” VivaDesigner offers you a completely new, simple, safe and above all affordable solution for communication between media service providers and your customers or colleagues!

What exactly is “Distributed Publishing”?

Based on VivaDesigner, “Distributed Publishing” is a technology with which media service providers prepare and provide an open layout document to their customers, colleagues or employees. The editing rights that a user may have can be defined individually for every document.

You can for example create documents that only give other users the possibility of entering text or moving images. Colors or Style sheets are available to these users but may not be edited by them. As the creator and administrator you protect your documents with an individual password, and you can release the documents for further editing with this password. In Web you can even do without passwords and assign the user rights on a role basis. In addition, individual layers or Alias (Master) pages may be protected from prohibited access or changes. In this way the user can for example enter text with fixed hyphenation rules straight into the layout. Documents to which access rights have beeen assigned can be opened in every program edition. On the desktop the completed documents are despatched fully automatically, without using Email, FTP, or Web applications. Like all modules, “Distributed Publishing” can be used in both the desktop and Web versions.

How does “Distributed Publishing” work on the desktop and in the Web?

In just six steps to the perfect document: With “Distributed Publishing” you create a template that can be edited and sent back automatically by a user in just a few minutes.

Step 1: Create template

Create a layout im VivaDesigner or import a completed layout from Adobe® InDesign® in IDML format (from CS4).

Step 2: Define access rights

Define the editing rights from over 30 settings for text and images, as well as program, layout and printing options, that you would like to give to the user. Protect these settings with an individual password. As an option, move single text/picture objects to password-protected layers to protect them from being accessed by the user.

Step 3: Deliver the document to the customer or upload it to the Web

Provide the document to the customer (e.g. as a download or for direct editing in the Web).

Step 4: Customer edits the document

Your customer edits the document within the user rights assigned to him locally on his own computer using either the desktop or Web version.

Step 5: Automatic document return in the desktop version

VivaDesigner sends the completed document to a predefined address fully automatically with all fonts and images and sends you a confirmation message with all the required information.

Step 6: Further editing

Unlock the document with your password for further editing, which may follow automatically in the Web. As an option, any application software can automatically edit the data further (e. g. for a proofing or order process or direct printing).

When do I need VivaDesigner with “Distributed Publishing”?

You need “Distributed Publishing” as an optional extension to or replacement for your layout program if according to your user group you can answer one or two of the goals listed below with Yes.

Goals for designers/service providers:

  • You receive from your customers/colleagues text or word processor files, PDFs, faxes, E-Mails and want to put an end to this flood of data and manual tasks?
  • You want to save the costs for an editing system or a »Web-to-Print« solution, because these are too expensive and/or are not suited for small print runs?
  • You want to keep full control over the document even with small print runs and still offer your customers extensive freedom of content?
  • You want to ensure that the customer does not move to other suppliers with your templates?
  • You need a solution that gives your customers and their partners world-wide the possibility of translating into ALL languages without changing your design?
  • You want ONE software without any language exceptions? For Russian, Chinese, Japanese, Hebrew and Arabic?

Goals for companies/end users:

  • You want to enter your text straight into the final layout, instead of writing in text or word processing programs or E-Mail programs?
  • You want to define image cropping and image size directly in the final layout, instead of describing your requirements in great detail to the graphic designer?
  • You don’t want to make proofing corrections in PDFs or send text by E-Mail any more?
  • You want a user interface with a genuine print preview (WYSIWYG) that is simpler than “MS-Word®”?
  • You don’t want to be obliged to buy the layout software of your graphic designer including all updates and upgrades?
  • You don’t want to exchange data constantly with the graphic designer until both parties are satisfied?
  • You want to provide your overseas partners in the Middle East or Asia with documents in your CD and the relevant translations? You want ONE software for all languages, NO exceptions?

Try out “Distributed Publishing” with VivaDesigner free of charge. Have a look at the video, download and install the 30 day demo version. Please read the instructions and feel free to contact our Support free of charge.

{youtube}j4T1VG1xYlw{/youtube}This video demonstrates how easy it is to edit InDesign/VivaDesigner documents in the Web (VivaCloud).


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nam cursus. Morbi ut mi. Nullam enim leo, egestas id, condimentum at, laoreet mattis, massa. Sed eleifend nonummy diam. Praesent mauris ante, elementum et, bibendum at, posuere sit amet, nibh. Duis tincidunt lectus quis dui viverra vestibulum. Suspendisse vulputate aliquam dui. Nulla elementum dui ut augue. Aliquam vehicula mi at mauris. Maecenas placerat, nisl at consequat rhoncus, sem nunc gravida justo, quis eleifend arcu velit quis lacus. Morbi magna magna, tincidunt a, mattis non, imperdiet vitae, tellus. Sed odio est, auctor ac, sollicitudin in, consequat vitae, orci. Fusce id felis. Vivamus sollicitudin metus eget eros.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nam cursus. Morbi ut mi. Nullam enim leo, egestas id, condimentum at, laoreet mattis, massa. Sed eleifend nonummy diam. Praesent mauris ante, elementum et, bibendum at, posuere sit amet, nibh. Duis tincidunt lectus quis dui viverra vestibulum. Suspendisse vulputate aliquam dui. Nulla elementum dui ut augue. Aliquam vehicula mi at mauris. Maecenas placerat, nisl at consequat rhoncus, sem nunc gravida justo, quis eleifend arcu velit quis lacus. Morbi magna magna, tincidunt a, mattis non, imperdiet vitae, tellus. Sed odio est, auctor ac, sollicitudin in, consequat vitae, orci. Fusce id felis. Vivamus sollicitudin metus eget eros.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nam cursus. Morbi ut mi. Nullam enim leo, egestas id, condimentum at, laoreet mattis, massa. Sed eleifend nonummy diam. Praesent mauris ante, elementum et, bibendum at, posuere sit amet, nibh. Duis tincidunt lectus quis dui viverra vestibulum. Suspendisse vulputate aliquam dui. Nulla elementum dui ut augue. Aliquam vehicula mi at mauris. Maecenas placerat, nisl at consequat rhoncus, sem nunc gravida justo, quis eleifend arcu velit quis lacus. Morbi magna magna, tincidunt a, mattis non, imperdiet vitae, tellus. Sed odio est, auctor ac, sollicitudin in, consequat vitae, orci. Fusce id felis. Vivamus sollicitudin metus eget eros.

Full control over colours and layout

All pages have been designed & developed to the bootstrap framework allowing the site to display beautifully across all devices and screen sizes

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem.

Looks good on any device

All pages have been designed & developed to the bootstrap framework allowing the site to display beautifully across all devices and screen sizes

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem.

Module Variations

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nam cursus. Morbi ut mi. Nullam enim leo, egestas id, condimentum at, laoreet mattis, massa. Sed eleifend nonummy diam. Praesent mauris ante, elementum et, bibendum at, posuere sit amet, nibh. Duis tincidunt lectus quis dui viverra vestibulum. Suspendisse vulputate aliquam dui. Nulla elementum dui ut augue. Aliquam vehicula mi at mauris. Maecenas placerat, nisl at consequat rhoncus, sem nunc gravida justo, quis eleifend arcu velit quis lacus. Morbi magna magna, tincidunt a, mattis non, imperdiet vitae, tellus. Sed odio est, auctor ac, sollicitudin in, consequat vitae, orci. Fusce id felis. Vivamus sollicitudin metus eget eros.

Module Position


logo menu search

Page title





FP Message


FP Icon

fp-icon1 fp-icon2 fp-icon3

FP Latest Work


FP News1

fp-news1 fp-news1-img

FP News2

fp-news2-img fp-news2

FP Testinomial


FP Clients


FP Team


Main Body

left component right

FP Tweets



bottom1 bottom2 bottom3 bottom4


footer2 footer1



[col class=”span6″]

h1. Heading 1

h2. Heading 2

h3. Heading 3

h4. Heading 4

h5. Heading 5
h6. Heading 6


[col class=”span6″]


[dropcap]This is a Magazine Style Drop Cap. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.[/dropcap]

[[dropcap]Dropcap Texts[/dropcap]]




Lists example

[col class=”span6″]

  • This is a sample unordered list
  • ul with class arrow
  • ul with class arrow-double
  • ul with class tick
  • ul with class cross
  • ul with class star
  • ul with class rss


[col class=”span6″]

  1. This is a sample ordered list
  • ul with class arrow
  • ul with class arrow-double
  • ul with class tick
  • ul with class cross
  • ul with class star
  • ul with class rss



Block Number

[row][col class=”span4″] [blocknumber type=”circle” text=”01″ color=”#FFF” background=”#34bcf5″]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetuer rutrum dignissim et neque id.[/blocknumber]

[blocknumber type=”circle” text=”02″ color=”#FFF” background=”#aacb24″]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetuer rutrum dignissim et neque id.[/blocknumber]

[blocknumber type=”circle” text=”03″ color=”#FFF” background=”#f16a10″]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetuer rutrum dignissim et neque id.[/blocknumber]

[[blocknumber type="circle" text="01" color="#FFF" background="#f16a10"]Circle Block Number[/blocknumber]]


[col class=”span4″] [blocknumber type=”rounded” text=”01″ color=”#FFF” background=”#7d2828″]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetuer rutrum dignissim et neque id.[/blocknumber]

[blocknumber type=”rounded” text=”02″ color=”#FFF” background=”#d80000″]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetuer rutrum dignissim et neque id.[/blocknumber]

[blocknumber type=”rounded” text=”03″ color=”#FFF” background=”#329491″]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetuer rutrum dignissim et neque id.[/blocknumber]

[[blocknumber type="rounded" text="01" color="#FFF" background="#329491"]Rounded Block Number[/blocknumber]]


[col class=”span4″] [blocknumber text=”01″ color=”#FFF” background=”#999″]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetuer rutrum dignissim et neque id.[/blocknumber]

[blocknumber text=”02″ color=”#FFF” background=”#666″]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetuer rutrum dignissim et neque id.[/blocknumber]

[blocknumber text=”03″ color=”#FFF” background=”#000″]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetuer rutrum dignissim et neque id.[/blocknumber]

[[blocknumber text="01" color="#FFF" background="#999"]Normal Block Number[/blocknumber]]


Block Examples

[row][col class=”span4″]

[block color=”#FFF” background=”#34bcf5″]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, sic genero nomine Piscatore mihi. Dicis Deducitur potest flens praemio quod non dum veniens indica enim.[/block]

[block color=”#FFF” background=”#aacb24″]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, sic genero nomine Piscatore mihi. Dicis Deducitur potest flens praemio quod non dum veniens indica enim.[/block]

[block color=”#FFF” background=”#f16a10″]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, sic genero nomine Piscatore mihi. Dicis Deducitur potest flens praemio quod non dum veniens indica enim.[/block]

[[block color="#FFF" background="#f16a10"]Content[/block]]


[col class=”span4″]

[block type=”rounded” color=”#FFF” background=”#7d2828″]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, sic genero nomine Piscatore mihi. Dicis Deducitur potest flens praemio quod non dum veniens indica enim.[/block]

[block type=”rounded” color=”#FFF” background=”#329491″]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, sic genero nomine Piscatore mihi. Dicis Deducitur potest flens praemio quod non dum veniens indica enim.[/block]

[block type=”rounded” color=”#FFF” background=”#000000″]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, sic genero nomine Piscatore mihi. Dicis Deducitur potest flens praemio quod non dum veniens indica enim.[/block]

[[block type="rounded" color="#FFF" background="#000000"]Lorem ipsum dolor[/block]]


[col class=”span4″]

[block border=”1px dashed #CCC” padding=”14px 15px”]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, sic genero nomine Piscatore mihi. Dicis Deducitur potest flens praemio quod non dum veniens indica enim.[/block]

[block border=”3px solid #34bcf5″ padding=”12px 15px”]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, sic genero nomine Piscatore mihi. Dicis Deducitur potest flens praemio quod non dum veniens indica enim.[/block]

[block type=”rounded” border=”5px solid #aacb24″ padding=”10px 15px”]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, sic genero nomine Piscatore mihi. Dicis Deducitur potest flens praemio quod non dum veniens indica enim.[/block]

[[block border="5px solid #aacb24" padding="10px 15px"]Lorem ipsum dolor[/block]]



Bubble Examples

[row][col class=”span4″]

[bubble author=”Betty D. Steward”]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed ligula orci, ullamcorper vitae sodales venenatis, feugiat et felis. Donec non dui velit, a posuere dui.[/bubble]

[/col][col class=”span4″]

[bubble color=”#FFF” background=”#736357″ author=”Barbara J. Pennebaker”]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed ligula orci, ullamcorper vitae sodales venenatis, feugiat et felis. Donec non dui velit, a posuere dui.[/bubble]

[/col][col class=”span4″]

[bubble background=”transparent” border=”3px solid #ccc” author=”Chad M. Simmons”]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed ligula orci, ullamcorper vitae sodales venenatis, feugiat et felis. Donec non dui.[/bubble]



[row][col class=”span12″]


[[bubble background="#FFF" color="#666" border="3px solid #ccc" author="Chad M. Simmons"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.[/bubble]]
